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Animated Gifs From Tumblr

Tumblr: Where Your Community Thrives

Connect with Your Interests

From the latest fandom news to stunning photography, from gaming updates to anime discussions, Tumblr is the place to find your people and engage with the content you love.

Save GIFs Effortlessly

Easily save GIFs from your Tumblr dashboard or any specific blog. Just tap and hold on the GIF to download it. GIFs are a fun and animated way to express yourself, unlike static picture formats like TIFF and RAW.

Create Custom GIFs

Transform your videos or personal clips into captivating animated GIFs. Use our online or app-based GIF maker to upload your footage and personalize it with your preferred settings.

Save Tumblr GIFs with Ease

To save a GIF from Tumblr, right-click on the image and select "Open image in a new tab." Copy the URL of the new tab and replace "gifv" with "gif" to download the GIF in its original format.


